Monday, March 25, 2013


  I'm the owner and founder of Tutor Mash Up!  I would love to welcome you to the Tutor Mash Up! family. It is our sincerest wish to help our members become established and empower them for success. If you are only now considering the possibilities that tutoring may offer I want be an encouragement to you. Tutoring and mentoring in my humble opinion can change the world. The power that a one on one relationship between a student and teacher can unlock unlimited potential. A good tutor strives to bring out the best in his or her student; while equipping them with tools for continued success.

  I began tutoring while I was teaching in New Mexico. I was hired in addition to my day job as a 4th Grade teacher to begin tutoring my five lowest achieving students. Not only was I paid for my time as a teacher but I was also paid for my time as a tutor!  For me at that time it was a no-brainer.  I excitedly chose my students, contacted their parents, and we began a journey that has shaped my view on academics to this day. I found a deeper love and joy for teaching. It was exciting to watch my students excel, gain confidence, and  begin finding success that they thought could never be theirs. By the end of the school year each student was no longer at or below grade level. These students were succeeding above grade level at least by one grade if not by two!

 You might be wondering how long each session was and how often we met. Each session was around an hour and half with a twenty minute break out on the recess field, and this only occurred twice a week! Can you imagine or begin dreaming for success like this with your students? Yes, you can!!!

  At Tutor Mash Up! we are going to strive to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need for successful tutoring.  You will be provided with links to articles fitting specific needs, private messaging so that you can converse with other members and bounce ideas off of one another, links to websites that you can utilize, marketing ideas, access to potential clients and much more. Another bonus that we are going to give you will be links and coupons to savings in your area for the things you need and your family can enjoy. After all teachers have to budget and we understand that better than anyone!

 Also at Tutor Mash Up! we will not take a dime out of your pocket for the connections that you make with students and their families. If you compare us to the other tutor websites out there you will quickly find that they require a lot from you when you make a connection.

 Thank you again for becoming a member at Tutor Mash Up! We look forward to serving you.

Stacy Collier

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